Color: See color catalogue.
Brightness: Mat
Dissolved matter, (mass) : 69-70%
Particular weight (g/cm3, 20°C): 1.68-1.69
Viscosity (KU, 25°C): 119-121
pH (25°C): 8.0-9.0
Brightness: Mat
Dissolved matter, (mass) : 69-70%
Particular weight (g/cm3, 20°C): 1.68-1.69
Viscosity (KU, 25°C): 119-121
pH (25°C): 8.0-9.0
RIMPlastik paint is resistant decorative exterior surface paint that doesn’t crack and has high adhesion force on any surface, doesn’t leave traces of brush and paint roller, doesn’t leak when applied. Ultra high opacity matt.